Advanced NLP Training

Learn the powerful “Master Maps” techniques

Show your clients how to connect

to the best version of themselves and make the future they aspire to real.

Thank you for this sublime training that gave me wings ! Using this innovative way of teaching was a winning bet !


Thank you for this professional-level training and for these amazing tools that I will use with my clients.


I enjoyed this training so much ! I used it many times with my clients, and receive great feedback from them !


A revolution in NLP trainings

These training give you the best of NLP : the most potent coaching techniques to facilitate people’s evolution. 

I use an innovative pedagogical framework, Progressive Mapping, based on visuals created to help you master in just 7 days some of the most powerful techniques of the NLP Master-Practitioner.

This training includes new NLP techniques, for example multiple future timelines, that you will not find in usual trainings.

The goal is for you to reach higher levels in your coaching capacities and learn advanced techniques to better help your clients.

In this 3 days + 3 days training, you’ll learn the most useful techniques of a Master Practicioner, and entirely new models.

This training however is not equivalent to a 40-days Master Practitioner, nor to a training in Generative Coaching.

Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching
Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching

Level 1 Techniques (3 days)

Learn how to create a successful pathway

to realize an intention.

Future Vision

Receive advices from your future self on how to realize your intention.

Steps to the Future

Create a positive inner state and explore the steps to your goal.

Choice Model

Use intuitive somatic awareness to make better choices.

Ressource Circle

Connect to empowering ressources to help you reach your goal.

Ressource Place

Find a secure space to experience peace and recharge your energies. 

Mentors Model

Connect to your mentors and receive insights on how to solve difficult relational situations.

Perceptual Positions

Explore the points of view of different people to identify potential solutions.

Burn-out Saver

Find solutions to take distance from a toxic environment.

Accomplishment of Challenges

Entering into a challenging situation with all your abilities.

Inner Self Healing

Bring back a part of your self into a ressource-state 

The Jump

Use new understandings to take action.

Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching

Level 2 Techniques (3 days)

Explore multiple timelines in the future and models to change your beliefs. 

Life Mission Model

Identify elements of your life mission.

Changing beliefs

Letting go of limiting beliefs, integrating new empowering beliefs.

Parts of the Self

Dialogue with different parts of your self and find more harmony in your life

Multiple Future Timelines

Feel through somatic awareness the different futures that are open to you

Bringing Stress Down

Make choices and go forward without being blocked by fears

Symbolic Gifts

Allow for emotional transformations on a deep level


Trangenerational healing work.

Light Vector

innovative model to combine NLP techniques to the law of attraction for your clients

Explore Futures

Explore intuitively the consequences of life choices in multiples months and years

Ressources Mandala in a Past Situation

Tranforming a negative inner state and a limiting belief due to a past experience.

Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching

En 7 jours vous pourrez

Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching
  • Offrir à vos clients de puissantes et profondes transformations intérieures.
  • Permettre aux coachés de dépasser plus facilement leurs obstacles.
  • Faciliter les prises de décisions avec des processus incroyablement efficaces.
  • Coacher avec de puissants outils de résolution dans le domaine relationnel.
  • Aider vos clients à devenir une meilleure version d’eux-mêmes.
  • Accéder à un niveau élevé en PNL en un temps record.
  • Perfectionner puissamment vos compétences de coach.


Niveau 1 – 3 jours en présentiel à Paris : 300€.

NB : le prix du niveau 1 vise à permettre aux personnes
qui suivent la Formation Coaching Activity d’intégrer rapidement des techniques utiles.

Niveau 2 – 4 jours en présentiel à Paris : 480€.

Les formations sont données dans des lieux exceptionnels,
magiques à Paris, avec un jardin intérieur quand cela est possible.

Pauses végétariennes bios, chocolats et thés d’exception toute la journée.

Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching

Comment vivre ces formations ?

Découvrez les prochaines dates

 Et inscrivez-vous

Vivez des journées mémorables

 Avec les autres coachs

Utilisez ces techniques avancées

 Au service de vos clients

Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching
Perfectionnement en PNL Arnaud Charpentier Delta Coaching

Let’s do it !

Je vous offre une séance de test en Coaching Génératif !

Visualisez vos obectifs, débloquez vos obstacles, créez votre futur.